Thursday, April 7, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
karasabai 2011 preaching trip
these are pix of field ministry in karasabai sinead and bethany with mountains like connemara behing they are south pakarimas south of kato where we lived 15 yrs ago for 3 yrs and now has a small group of publishers so we are going round in a circle ??? amybe we will reack kato again one day . here is theresa the captains sister and sister of myshelle who only last year came back in the truth .thats her daughter kadema in the bright dress with bethany . there is so much interest here that we are only scratching the surface ,we had over 20 studies when we were going last year so lots of room for workers . the macushi people here are very friendly and inviting to their village as the captain elvis (yes he,s still alive ha ha ) first words were "welcome to our lovley village you are very welcome (hot spot indeed ) so we think there will be alot of interest here as the people are very receptive to the bible . they also have a connection with normandie a village in brazil where a lot of ones from the village go to work sometimes also to boa vista so they got a kind of a spanish influence too .we are awaiting some brothers who were supposed to be already but got delayed but we hear they will be here in may so they plan also to work the area more fully spending more time there if permitted . its a very clean and tidy village and reflects the people there who are very industrious and organized with village life . i will tell you more of that another time . matt 9 :36-38
we went to karasabai this weekend a 4 hour drive on dirt and rock roads , we had to stop once to let engine cool down . we went to petition for our continued permission to preach and teach in the area and we were granted at the public mtg . because all the village were there we placed 250 magazines and 30 books between us . we took a local sister with us theresa who lives in lethem but is origonally from karasabai and a fleshly sister to myshelle a study of ours who had contact yrs ago along with her father and brother . their brother is the captain of the village and so passed along out corrospondance at the village meeting , all went smoothly and no decension was given . we plan to go every 2 weeks and conduct studies as well as have a watchtower study with myshell and family and any interested ones . here are a few pix of the village and preahing and mtgs going on .
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
ministry in rupununi,s: this was taken just after the mtg in shulinabj...
ministry in rupununi,s:
this was taken just after the mtg in shulinab
j...: "this was taken just after the mtg in shulinab john to the left was a teacher in shulinab and has studied for the longest and is doing rea..."
this was taken just after the mtg in shulinab
j...: "this was taken just after the mtg in shulinab john to the left was a teacher in shulinab and has studied for the longest and is doing rea..."
back for another stint 2011
we had a gruelling 19 hr journey into lethem from georgetown 3 burst i mean completley ripped apart tyres , 1 burst water hose and a wicked road that has not been fixed for a while . we slept in annai where a small group of 4 publishers including 2 need greaters our friends dirk and esther bahars are serving , we gave them a suprise visit the next morning and we were all encouraged as we shared horror stories ha ha . since been back in lethem for just over a week or maybe nearly 2 im not sure it gets crazy down here with time running like a jamacian 100 yard sprinter , but since we were back we learned that neville and elizebeth adolph who we used to take to shulinab with us continued going and keeping the fire blazing in shulinab cycling 5 hours to get there on rough roads and after studying with the ones in shulinab they continued onto nevilles family village quiko and arrived at 8pm to eat wash and sleep . then in the morning to conduct studies with all the villages including his family then ride all the way home to lethem another 5 hours , well done guys this is the family seen here . also jordan bought a cool little suzuki jeep and now goes every monday with neville and others to conduct all the studies and new ones and once a month conduct a meeting . so things are going well in shulinab . a letterr asking for permission to carry on our work (that has to be done yearley )was sent to the village council so we await the outcome . we will travel to karasabai this weekend to give the same letter to the council there to also ask for our continued ministry there so we will let you know the outcome when we get back . we had a man visit today who rode 2 days to get parts for his chainsaw and who had visited before with katelyn twogood and then sent a letter to the branch asking for someone to call to him , so we plan a trip to his area which is 4 hrs drive from karasabai later next month , he is very serious about the truth and believes he has found it , iwe placed 10 books and plenty oif mags and brouchures with him and also gave a running commentry on the whole book of revelation its grand climax , wow was really refreshing the end is close . hope you enjoy as usual i finish with my favourite words of jesus matt 9:36-38 send out the workers the harvest really is white down here 250,000 sq miles of it about 150 villages most untouched , so if you can step over come on down give it a visit to saee for yourselves how wonderful the ministry is here , more later
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