Friday, November 12, 2010

this was taken just after the mtg in shulinab

john to the left was a teacher in shulinab and has studied for the longest and is doing really well and at the side of sinead mary who has infirmities but always walkls to mtgs w her 5 children and is doing really well

falicia (need greater to left ) and her study who really loves her studies and comes to all mtgs we have there

my favourite pix of ittai trees half way from shulinab to lethem when we are returning home after a long day on the ministry and the watchtower and talk long but really satisfying

this is a village close to shulinab ,

some down time between morning ministry and afternoon calls

the girls oh bethany is amerindian now

lovley face and was always at the mtgs

cooling out in an oasis

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

bible students in shulinab

we especially worked the shulinab area after much prayer as to which village to concentrate on to start a new group so that surrounding villages couild be worked more fully by publishers from that area of shulinab . we had a few families that special interest and that were connected to a family in lethem that were origonally from nr shulinab so that greatly helped the progress of abraham (the noe serving captain of shulinabs brother)and his cornelia and 4 children . cornelia is the sister of neville( a publisher in lethem with his wife elizabeth and 3 children )so they quickly attended meetings we had from the beginning despite opposition from family and school children to their children .we are hopeful when we return in january to start visiting there again( after the rainey season that makes the road impassable )that the interest will still be there and they can start to publish at some stage . heres a pix of cornelia having a study with sinead and bethany and a visiting sister vydia persaud from georgetown .there was a group of us going out to shulinab every wednesday falicia wilson (from the states mid west i think )javan roff (from london england ex bethelite)and any visitors we could bring along .we have been working it only parts of 2 years (as we leave in rainey season to return home to work may-sept)and already we are haing great results with 150 at the first memorial and 100 at this years memorial !!!!mostly studies or ex studiesthis year which made it more meaningful .also we had a steady meeting attendance that we held in the football stands of up to 40 plus but a steady 35 every week , so we were pretty amazed and happy with our labours and jehovahs blessings on the little group there .on the next post i will do a run down of other bible students and what they had to face in there endeavors to serve jehovah .

Thursday, September 30, 2010

last years work in the field

been a long time since i wrote anything ,not having internet connection etc in lethem was hard to do anything but i will give you an update from where we left off . after having great success in shulinab and going 3 times a week along came the usual opposition from various angles . we had to meet with the village elders and they initially decided we could only come twice a month !!!!!!!!!!!!!!we were horrified and after going away from the meeting we decided to go back and ask for 4 times a month for which permission was granted !!!!!!!!!!!!so we started going a group of 5 of us once a week and having all studies in one day then at 4:30pm we had a talk and watchtower to which up to 35 would attend each week . we were very happy with that and at the end of our time we had 100 at the memorial also 35 made the long trip of 35 miles to lethem for the one day assembley where a local from shulinab now living in lethem was the lone baptism candidate called patricia henry . i will put up some pix when i get a decent connection as i have dial up at the moment in ireland but soon will get broadband and will upload some pix of the year ,this pix is moco moco nr lethem a small groupb of about 16 . more to come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!