Saturday, October 24, 2009

sunrise to sunsets in lethem area

here are some sunsets and sunrises can you tell which is which ?? now we have internet in the house so i will be able to keep you updated more frequently . a group of bros just came from a trip to north pakarimas and placed 900 books and same mags etc they had some funky times i will send pix when i can . also i will send pix of kingdom hall for darren . all for now paul

Monday, October 12, 2009

heres some crazy sunsets first three are sunsets the last 2 are sunrises

this is a new letter we had 28 at the meeting in shulinab on sunday so we were happy and a local family from lethem who were from shulinab so it was nice for locals to see someone of their own .so thinks are going good i will try to upload some pix bye

Saturday, October 3, 2009

shulinab area

just in case first one did not work these are pix of shulinabs first meetings which we had 22 at so nice start .we go 3 times a week and have some very nice studies one in particular john who we are hoping will be future bro taking lead but we will see . so heres some pix

back in rupi,s

we are back for a while now and glad to be able to say we have started having meetings in shulinab with our first attendance of 22 so it is good start heres a few pix . also a group have comi in from gtown to go north to kato side . a arduous trip in itself so may jehovah b with them